Letter to Graduating Seniors

When such as we the King can choose,
To share with Him His throne,
'Tis passing strange that we refuse
To be our Lord's alone.
O never speak of sacrifice!
A privilege untold
Is to be His at any price,
In Calv'ry's hosts enrolled.
Hymns, #473

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As the long-awaited day of your college graduation draws near, so also do the decisions that you will be forced to make concerning the direction of your life following your college years. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to participate in the Full-time Training in Anaheim.

The Full-time Training in Anaheim was established in 1989 with the burden of helping those that attend to become normal, functioning members of the Body of Christ. The purpose of the Full-time Training is fourfold:

  1. To help the trainees grow in the divine life of Christ unto maturity
  2. To equip the trainees with the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit
  3. To cultivate in the trainees their spiritual function in preaching the gospel, nourishing young believers, perfecting the saints, and prophesying the Word of God for the building up of the Body of Christ
  4. To develop in the trainees a proper and uplifted character according to the humanity of Christ that is fit for the Lord's use

As a college senior, you are in the best position for planning to come to FTTA upon graduation. Now is the time, while your life is free of encumbrances such as a job, marriage, and children, to give yourself to be trained and perfected to be a normal functioning member of the Body of Christ. By coming to the Full-time Training as a young person, you will reap maximum benefit, as the Lord will honor and remember your faithful seeking of His kingdom as your first priority. Student loans and graduate school can both be deferred. With a long-term view, two years of your time given to the Lord now is not too much.

The world will tell you that only fools would follow the Lord Jesus and serve Him, and that time spent in the Full-time Training would be a waste. However, to the Lord and to those who see the eternal things, serving Him is the greatest privilege. God has called each one of us to accomplish His eternal purpose. To sacrifice your time to rise up and cooperate with Him for His move on this earth is a most reasonable response to His call, and many will testify that it can afford the greatest joy on earth.

We strongly encourage you to enroll in the Full-time Training for the coming term (see Dates & Events). Please pray and consecrate yourself to the Lord for this. If you have any further questions, please contact the leading brothers in your locality or the FTTA office. We look forward to seeing you here and to being blended together to experience the reality of the Body of Christ.

Your brothers in Christ,

The FTTA training brothers